Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Red Bull Flutag 2016

An event I did not attend of fully understand. But Red Bull puts on this event where groups build a machine and launch it off the end of a dock hoping it will "fly".

Our Transformer Team built a plane.

Here is a video for you to watch!

Thanksgiving 2016

So we did a group Thanksgiving on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Tamara and Geoff were wonderful to host us in their apartment. Here is the group shot. What a great HK family!

Geoff in his apron after slicing the turkey.

Lots of food! All the classic! My mom's delicious party potatoes were very well received.

Dessert time!

Vancy arrived... hug time!

Totally missed my family on Thanksgiving but so glad to have these people to celebrate with.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Preschool Team Lunch 2016

Each year we do a team lunch. This year we had a buffet lunch outside at Pacific Club and then brought a few games to play.

Silly faces with the Design team.

Lead Engineer enjoying the game.

I love this team!!!  :)

Nerf Team Visit!

 A few weeks late...ooops

Nerf Team from the US came to visit so I arranged hot pot dinner for everyone to enjoy.

The Sunday of their visit, I took a few visitors out for the day. To the Peak, hiking down the Peak to Pok Fu Lam and then over to Stanley Market!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Flower and Bird Market

I finally visited the Flower Market and Bird Market/Garden in Hong Kong.

Since Nov 1, Christmas has been in full swing here in HK.

 The bird market is an outdoor area and there are a few stalls with people selling birds.

There is fruit market as well. These are weird looking fruit. No clue what they are.

And after the US elections, here is a Hong Kong street performer.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Halloween 2016

Halloween isn't very big in HK but you can get people to dress up.

First misconception is that Halloween is always about scary costumes. 

Hasbro is making the toys for the new Trolls movie so the Trolls wigs were a popular alternative for people who didn't plan a costume.

My Trolls wig... I could pass for Marge Simpson.

Ivy was a witch and took these hilarious photos of her sneaking up on people working!