Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

China - Zhangjiajie (Avatar Park)

Zhangjiajie National Park

We used a tour company to help us book and hire a local tour guide. This is their main page – they do tours all over SE Asi.

The park hosts the mountains that inspired the scenery in Avatar, glass plank bridges and more you can look at here:
The Details:

-       USD 358 per person But I will check if they offer bigger group discounts if we have more people.
-       See flight info below, we will need to add on 2 more nights in hotel unless they suggest another method of transport. Flight price: approx. USD$217

-  Pick up from and drop off to Zhangjiajie Airport or train station or bus station
- 1 night stay at a Hotel near Wulingyuan scenic area with breakfast (will ask them to add on the extra nights due to flight availability)
- Entrance ticket to all places mentioned in the itinerary
- round trip cable car ticket to Huangshizhai Village
- 1 way down cable car ticket from Tianzi Shan Nature Reserve
- 1 way up Bailong Lift ticket
- English Speaking Guide
-          the only reasonable flight I can find is from Shenzhen airport to Dayong (Zhangjiajie) airport on China Southern Airline. I’m asking the tour group if they know of other options
-          In order to have the full 2 days, we will have to arrive Thursday night and depart Sunday morning (Friday is a national holiday FYI so you can still work ½ day on Thursday if you prefer)
-          Thursday: Depart SZ at 22:10, arrive ZJ at 23.55
-          Sunday: Depart ZJ at 7:10, arrive SZ at 8:50

-          Thursday (evening) 9/15 – Sunday (morning) 9/18


DAY 1  
Pick up from Zhangjiajie Airport or train station or bus station
Transfer to Wulingyuan National Forest Park area and check in hotel.
Go to Zhangjiajie National Forest Park Entrance
Go to Huangshizhai Village by cable car and explore. After exploring, take cable car down.
Go to Golden Whip Stream Scenic Route (2-3 hours)
Go to Zhangjiajie World Geopark Museum
Take internal shuttle bus to Wulingyuan Entrance
Return to hotel and rest
DAY 2  
Wake up and have breakfast in hotel
Check out hotel and transfer to Wulingyuan Entrance
Go to Bailong Sky Lift and take lift up
Go to Yuanjiajie and explore "AVATAR" scenic hallelujah mountains
Go to Tianzi Shan Nature Reserve and explore
From Tianzi Shan Nature Reserve, take cable car down
Then take internal shuttle bus to Wulingyuan Entrance
Transfer to Zhangjiajie Airport or train station or bus station.

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