Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Lei Yue Mun - Seafood Lunch

Last Sunday we went to Lei Yue Mun for a seafood lunch. From HK Island, we had to take a shirt ferry ride. Check this boat out! 

It was T1 signal at this time which means a typhoon is 400-800km away from Hong Kong but we checked and it was not headed towards us so no need to ruin our plans.
Look at those blue skies! The grey clouds were in the other direction.

First we went to a open fish market and pick the fresh seafood that we want them to cook and we tell them how we want it prepared. You still end up being surprised by what is meant by "Hong Kong style" so you better be pretty adventurous. They also end up throwing in "free" dishes too...

The star fish at this one place were huge!

Here is the group checking out the pictures on the wall to decide what we wanted. My favorite are the scallops which he opened right in front of us.

This is the restaurant we ate at. It was the longest walk and at the end of the market but it meant it had a good view of the water.

Here is some of our food... I didn't take very good food pics cause I was busy eating.

My most favorite... scallops with garlic and noodles.

Okay, I'm back

So I took some time off from posting on my blog. While home in August a few people asked me about it. 

Honestly, a major reason for keeping this blog is for my grandmother to keep up with my life and travels. She had the same wander-full spirit and was always sharing pictures of her travel experiences with me. When I left the US 2.5 years ago, she was the one it was hardest to say goodbye to knowing that each goodbye may be the last.

Sadly, in May 2017, my grandmother passed away and the youthful age of 96. While it was her time, my heart still hurts. I cherish every moment that we had together and think of her every day.

And she would want me to continue to document my travels.... so I do this for her.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Early Birthday Surprise!

My team and friends are just so wonderful, kind and thoughtful. Oh, and fun! They surprised me with an early birthday celebration. Which of course I was late to!!

The Potato Head costume is reference to my costume this past year at the Annual Dinner.
There was another gift but I can't reveal online yet because it involves my family. So they will just have to be in suspense until I visit in June.

Love this team!

Time to eat!

Signed by my favorite people. My favorite is the says "stay healthy, happy and pretty". But of course!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Pink Dolphins!

So a friend works as a vet at Ocean Park. She gets the company boat for dolphin watching. So Saturday we went out on the boat to look for pink dolphins. They are actually albino dolphins.

Here is location where we saw pink dolphins.

See Big Buddha on the hill.

Such a great day on the water and experience to see these beautiful creatures

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Dude, there's my car 2

More car pictures for my brother.

I wish this was my carpool.

You are not excused.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

US Work Visitors

My US counterpart team came to visit. We worked hard for a week and a half but also had time to enjoy our time together as a team.

Most of our team bonding is over food!!!

Thursday, March 30, 2017


Wednesday's there is a small group of Hasbro team members who go for a run after work.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Night Peak Hike

I like to hike and have hiked Victoria Peak many times. But I have never hiked at night. Don't worry. There are lights and I brought my headlamp. I also went with a friend and not alone.

First we were lucky it was a clear night. The weather was so nice. Cool and not humid.

Look at all the lights! So pretty.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Natascha and I made a weekend trip to Taipei as her last Asian adventure before she moves to LA.

We arrived Saturday morning. after checking into hotel, we went to Modern Toilet restaurant where food is served in ceramic bowls shaped like toilets or bathtubs and you sit in toilet chairs.

Then we went to Taipei Zoo area to take gondola ride to the tea plantations.

After that we went back to our hotel area to find someone to eat and have a drink. We ended up finding this tiny counter bar run by a Japanese man who had no menu but made you a cocktail based on your preference. It was very cool and he was so nice. He recommended a little place for dinner so we went for a local Vietnamese beef dinner.

Sunday we accidently slept in so guess we both needed sleep. We had brunch at Rabbit Rabbit. I had matcha toast and Oreo coffee.

We took the train to Dahu park to see the moon bridge. We didn't get to see the reflection though.

Being silly

Then we went to Taipei 101 area to do a hike with a view. Lots of stairs!!! Elephant mountain is the name of the hike.

Walk by the W hotel.

Random things on our walk.


Nope, zip ties.

Curved escalator.

After the hike we went to Creative Park which has a lot of design stores and galleries. Like the PMQ in Hong Kong or Hope Artist Village in Pawtucket.

After that we were hungry so we went to Shilin night market to get street food. Food on a stick.

Check out this building under construction.

Monday we we got up early to go to Beitrou to see the hot springs.


Unfortunately many things in that area were closed on Monday.

Public library.

I got me some bubble tea.

Then we went to Botanical Gardens.

We found a great little gyoza place before we had to go to the airport. Yum!

Cool architecture....

Gonna miss you Taipei.