Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Saturday, April 14, 2018

New apartment - Part 2

Saturday was moving day.
I packed up my apartment over the past 2 weeks. Lots of boxes.

I hired movers which was the best idea ever. They sent crew of 6-8 men who had everything out of the apartment and loaded in 10-15 minutes. After 15 minutes to get to new apartment, they then unloaded in 15 minutes. Overall the move took under 45 minutes and went super smoothly.
I spent the afternoon unpacking and only have a few boxes left to unpack.

View from my bedroom during day and at night.

Friday, April 13, 2018

New Apartment - Part 1

So after 3 years of the company supporting me by signing my apartment lease, now that I am on local terms I have to grow up again and sign my own lease. 

In January I looked at apartments but didn’t find anything I really liked that would cause me to move. So figured I would just stay in my apartment. My landlord was slow to come to new terms for lease. Well in mid March my agent found another apartment to look at it and I loved it. So long story short, I’m moving apartments!

New apartment is in Sheung Wan the next neighborhood over from where I currently am. Super nice French couple own the place. They renovated a 2 bedroom into a 1 bedroom and lived here for 5 years. 

Apartment is 1 bedroom. Walk in closet. Oven (which is rare for Hong Kong). Heat (which is also rare). Semi-furnished (need to buy mattress and couch). Built in Bose speaker system. Did I mention the walk in closet? :) Oh yeah and its $500 USD cheaper than my current place. Closer to a train station too which will be good for upcoming summer heat. Yay! 

Outside of the building.

This is what it looked like when landlords lived here.

Here is the empty view

In process work...

New couch was delivered.

Mattress finally arrived.

I move in tomorrow!!!! More pics soon.