Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Where do I live and work?

So on a Skype call with Grandma today she asked how far my office is from my apartment. So I thought I'd share where I live and work.

Hong Kong is 426 square miles. With over 7 million people living here it is a very cramped city.

Here is a map. Above the red line is mainland China. Below the red line is Hong Kong. The focus of where I live and work is in the red circle on the map.

So if I zoomed into the red circle, this is the area that I spend most of my time. See below map. The land at the top of the map is Kowloon side. The land at the bottom is Hong Kong Island.

I work on the Kowloon side and live on Hong Kong Island. I have marked my apartment with a red X and work with a yellow X.

To get to work, I take escalators down the hill and then walk to the train station. I take the train station two stops. Then I walk a short distance to work.

By car my apartment is 4.5 miles away from work.

I will create another post about my commute.

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