Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Random Things on Camera Roll - Peak, Heyuan, Team

When Nerf team was here I took 2 members hiking to the Peak.  Overcast day but still very cool to see the view. It was the first time I paid to go to the observation deck at the Peak.

Looking down on the tram coming up the Peak.

This house looks amazing. And I spy an outdoor red piano!?! Things that make you go "hmmm"....

It was my mentee's birthday and Natascha was taking him to lunch so I crashed the party. 

One of my employees received a Way to Go award so we did a team celebration! Sally is in the middle with her manager Fanny. 

Christmas decorations are starting to go up. No issue with religious signage here. 

I went to Heyuan, China for vendor visits last week. For lunch they took me toBavarian  Manor which is a theme park like area which is decorated like a Norwegian village. 

Well those are the random things I found on my camera roll to share!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Team and Vendor Lunches and More

This week was a busy one.

Monday we had the Preschool Team  lunch to celebrate a great year of hard work. We had buffet lunch (of course) and everyone enjoyed it. I surprised my team at the start of the lunch by making a short speech in Cantonese. They were very surprised and happy.

Here is picture of the HFE Preschool Team!

Here is the speech:

Daaih ga hou.
Do-jeh daaih ga gam yaht laih sihk aan.
Ngoh laih-jo Heung-gong sahp go yuht la.
Do-jeh neih-deih gam fun-yihng ngoh.
Tuhng neih-deih yat-chaih jouh-yeh hou hoi-sam.
Ngoh-deih haih yat go hou hou ge tyuhn-dui.
Ngoh tai dou daaih ga dou hou louh-lik.
Do-jeh daaih ga.
Sihk faan la!
<hold for applause>

Welcome everyone.
Thank you all for coming to lunch today.
I came to Hong Kong 10 months ago.
Thank you to you all for welcoming me.
Working together with you all make me very happy.
We are a good team.
I also see that everyone works very hard.
Thank you everyone.
Let's eat! 

This week I also had a vendor from Indonesia visiting Hong Kong. We took them out for Peking Duck which is famous here in Hong Kong.

Yes it seems that all we do is eat. And that is true.

To balance all that eating I took a few of my team members hiking on Friday. It was a short relatively easy hike. We walked Eagle's nest nature trail where we saw monkeys!

Apparently I walked too fast and team took pictures of my back a lot. My best side! 


Friday evening we had a company bowling event with our vendors. I got to bowl and even made it through the first round. 

Here is whole Hasbro group there. 

My team in the second round actually won second runner up and we got a plate. Yay for our team! I bowled a 129 and 160 in the two games we played.

Alen on the left and Tony on the right.

Fun fun! 

Weekend Fun

Lisa Wade is back in HK for work so we got to hang out this weekend. 

Saturday evening we had the big group dinner having hot pot! Yummy! 

Sunday Lisa and I did an easy hike called Black's Link.

There were these really cool blue butterflies. 

There was a race going on on the trail so unfortunately we dealt with a lot of "traffic".  

We had dim sum for lunch. Vancy was late so Lisa and I ordered. We mostly got what we wanted with only one mistake!

After lunch Lisa and I went to PMQ where there was a dine and design festival. PMQ is a really cool place with local artists and designers. I bought a few Christmas gifts for others. And maybe a few for myself. :) 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Home decor

While in Siem Reap I bought a canvas at the night market of the sunrise over Angkor Wat. The only way to get it back was to roll it and bring it back without the frame. 

So I found a framer is Hong Kong, actually three so I could compare costs. I spent more on the framing than I wanted but I am happy I got it done. I think was finished this week and now hangs in my apartment. It looks great with the red kitchen. 

Making a house a home. :)