Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Weekend Fun

Lisa Wade is back in HK for work so we got to hang out this weekend. 

Saturday evening we had the big group dinner having hot pot! Yummy! 

Sunday Lisa and I did an easy hike called Black's Link.

There were these really cool blue butterflies. 

There was a race going on on the trail so unfortunately we dealt with a lot of "traffic".  

We had dim sum for lunch. Vancy was late so Lisa and I ordered. We mostly got what we wanted with only one mistake!

After lunch Lisa and I went to PMQ where there was a dine and design festival. PMQ is a really cool place with local artists and designers. I bought a few Christmas gifts for others. And maybe a few for myself. :) 

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