Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Danielle's Visit

Danielle stayed after Toy Fair for a few days to see more of Hong Kong

We visited Stanley Market Friday in the rain. Luckily it is mostly covered so didn't dampen our shopping spirits.

Saturday we ventured to Big Buddha. The weather was not good. It was cloudy and windy so made for an adventure on the cable cars on the way up.

We started with smiles in the cable car until the wind made it swing around. Then it wasn't so fun.

And then we disappeared into the clouds.

 Dark and cloudy...

I caught one great picture when the clouds parted for just a few seconds it was a bright blue sky.
 The monastery at the Big Buddha.

 Hello Kitty displays were everywhere

Transformer bus!


There are 12 warrior statues... this one is my favorite. His weapon is a conch shell..... what kind of weapon is that? Are you going to hypnotize me with the sound of the ocean?

On the way back the cable car stopped twice. We still don't know why...

Saturday night we did a participation dinner with people from Hasbro HK office.

The most cooking I've done in HK! Look at the focus on sauteeing mushrooms!

Sunday I got up at 4:30 AM to go to a bar to watch the patriots game which started at 5:30 AM here.


Sunday we went to brunch at Hutong with friends. There are two shows and this one was the noodle maker.

The other show is the mask changing dancer.

 And of course the highlight of brunch!

A helicopter came to land at a nearby hotel. We tried to see who it was but couldn't.

Monday we went to the Peak since the clouds had cleared a bit.

 I then convinced Danielle to go on a short walk with me to find the Victoria Peak Garden... guess what... the walk wasn't so short. Poor Danielle... she's a good sport for putting up with me saying "it's just around the next corner" about 10 times...

There were a number of couples in the park taking their wedding photos.

Lunch at the Peak Lookout!

Great visit with Danielle to show her HK.

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