Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Po Tai Island

Way behind in posting... In December was Natascha's birthday so we decided to try hiking on an island we hadn't been to before. So we went to Po Toi which is the southern most island in Hong Kong.

We left from Aberdeen and took a boat for 1 hour.

This was such a cool tree.

Can you see the turtle shape in the rocks?

This is Palm rock... see it?

This is the small fishing village. This island is quite remote and there is limited ferry service here.

We bought this snack which ended up being dried fish and was gross. We ended up throwing it out.

Here is the group picture!

HK Christmas Decorations 2016

Amit Celebration

The head of our office, Amit, left the company back in December so we help a dinner in his honor to wish him well on his next adventure.

Here Duncan is presenting a picture of Amit to him.

My boss is on the left and Amit is on the right.

My awesome friends Casey and Constance!

Annual Dinner 2017

As with past years, January bring the Hasbro HFE Annual Dinner. It is a mix between a show and a wedding. This year there were over 700 people in attendance and in a huge ballroom.

Outside the ballroom were characters and backdrops for picture taking.

Inside there were many more photos and selfies.

 We take our new photos at the event.Here is a picture of my new team starting January 1. iPlay!

The theme of the event was "superheroes". So many people in costume.

We made the toys for Trolls movie so we all got Trolls hair at our seats.

All the HFE Category Leads dressed up in costume to represent our teams. I dressed as Mr and Mrs Potato Head. The front was Mr and the back was Mrs. And it lit up!

 My team dressed up with me and we danced on stage and performed.

Rico is the director working for me. Here is our professional look....

And then our costume look....

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! What is his costume you may ask. Well he is representing his category which took our Furreal cat and rebranded it for the elderly. So he is an old lady with her "pet" Furreal cat.

After all performances, we danced to the live band.

That's all folks!

 What a day! Such a fun event with wonderful people.