Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Birthday Weekend!!!

Last Friday the ladies from work planned afternoon and dinner in Discovery Bay which is a resort like area on Lan Tau island. It is about 35 minute taxi ride from work and where Irene lives. 

Dinner at the hotel! (L-R) Anita, Carol, Lisa, Natascha, me and Irene.

Posing by the water!

We saw fireworks at Disney from our viewpoint at the hotel. 

Of course a group shot was in order on the large lounge chair!

Saturday I had a relaxing day. Nail appointment in the morning and then brunch and shopping with Clare. I bought myself a few pretty things to wear! 

Saturday night a group from HK and some U.S. visitors all went out for steak dinner at Blue Butcher. Yum! 

Sunday was the official birthday party and we rented a junk boat and went to Clearwater Bay to swim and relax. 19 people came on the boat which was all day event with food and drink. The weather report showed rain which it has all week but we totally lucked out with only two small rain showers impacting us. 

My birthday boat (named Swissy)!

This was another junk boat at the pier.

Here is a map of where we went. We started at the red X on Hong Kong Island and went to the right and around to the bay area.

Keeley was so wonderful to organize my junk boat party! And even better that her fiance, Mike, was here to visit.

The crew!

Back on dry land and wrapped in my birthday banner. 

What a great weekend with great friends!

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