Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Grace the Fortune Teller

Lisa, Kelley and I ventured to see Grace, a fortune teller Monday night while Kelley is in town from US. Sarah had recommended Grace because she speaks good English. Sarah also recommended we take notes for each other since it can be hard to remember all that she says.

Fortune tellers sit along the street just north of Temple Street night market. They are across from karaoke bar so you just walk towards the bad singing. 

The only info I provided to Grace was my birthday date and time. For HKD 150 we each got our face and palm reading done. 

Grace says.....
My hands show good power. When I want things I get them. 
Sometimes I act like a gentleman but I am a lady (I am glad she clarified that). 
I am kind hearted, think of others. 
Late marriage will be better for me (well that's good news...)
I am a good thinker, fast thinking. So sometimes I need to slow down and don't be so quick. 
My business line is long and very good. When I get things I do everything myself if I get an opportunity it's good. 
My health line is long mean if I will live until 70-80. I need to take care driving car. Take care of neck and backbone take care of feet during exercise. 
I have powerful eyes. 
Ages 35-40 - good eyes
Ages 41-50 - cheeks good
The above years are golden years for me. 
48-50 I need to take care in investing. Don't be so quick in these years. 
51-60 - upper lip. Need to take care of health especially digestion in these years. 
After 60 - all okay
During old age I will have power for people to listen to me.

I am born in year of dog. 
I need to take care in years of dragon. Tiger and pig years I need to care for family and money. In year of monkey I need to save money (that is next year). 
During years of dog and dragon I will work hard but it will be okay. Changing business in these years is not good. 

Best colors for me are red, pink, purple, brown, and yellow.
Worst color for me is green. I should not dress entire body in green, white, gold or silver. Diamonds, crystal and jade are good for me. I should not wear too much silver and gold.

Reading over and we could ask questions... I drew a blank. 

Lisa asked what zodiac sign I should marry. Grace didn't answer but rather told me the signs I should avoid. I should not marry a snake or a pig unless it is his second marriage... Well that mystery is solved now....

During Lisa's session, she then commented for all of us that our eye brows are bad. Our brows are too short and we should make them much longer. (I didn't know makeup tips came along with fortune telling...)

All in all nothing super specific but was a fun experience. I will be keeping these notes to see how it all ends up. :)

Notes from Grace... 

Also recommended by Kalpana are fortune tellers Doris and Teresa.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Goodbye to Sarah and Mark

The downside of being an expat is that people are often moving around and it means having to say goodbye to good friends. I actually met Sarah in Hong Kong although we both worked from Hasbro in RI. Was so wonderful to meet her and Mark who have become great friends.

Sarah and Mark are enjoying their last week in Hong Kong before they move to London for 5 months and then back to the US.

Last weekend we did a English themed party at Daniela's place.

Left to right are Annette, me, Sarah, Mark and Clare.

Daniela, Clare, Mark, Sarah, Annette and me.

And a big group shot before the end of the night!

This past Saturday we went to all you can eat Brazilian meat restaurant. Sirloin, filet, lamb, shrimp, etc. All so good!

Then Sunday we did buffet brunch at Zuma. So much sushi! Yum! Mark is there on the right. Somehow the waitress totally cut him out of the picture!

Bitter sweet goodbyes...

Bring Your Kids to Work Day - HFE Style

Today was Bring Your Kid to Work Day in the office. Each group has a difference booth with an activity.


My group organized a face painting booth and then these large kid-sized packages where they could pose.

Not wanting to post any pictures of kids, here is Kenny one of the other Category leads getting a shield on his arm done by Steven.


Ivy and Steven who did the face painting then climbed in one of the packages for their pose! So great!

Kenny and Panny having fun too!

And of course I had to get in on the action.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Ninepin Islands

The Ninepin Group or Kwo Chau Islands is a group of 29 islands in the easternmost waters of Hong Kong. The Ninepin Group falls under the jurisdiction of Sai Kung District of Hong Kong.
The Ninepin Group features hexagonal vertical rhyolite columns, the volcanic rock resulting from a volcanic eruption near Sai Kung about 140 million years ago. Ninepin Group is extremely eroded due to the heavy tides that wash against the islands every day. It features several sea caves as a result of erosion. For a long time, the Ninepin Group was devoid of human presence. However, there is a temple dedicated to Tin Hau, located on South Ninepin Island for any fishermen who landed on the island.

Because no one lives on Ninepin Group, there is no public transportation to the islands. One must rent a boat in order to reach the Ninepin Group.

We don't usually hike here in the summer because it is too hot. However, due to their exposure to the ocean, only for three months of the year during the height of summer the seas are quiet enough to provide for a safe landing here, making this a highly seasonal destination.

So Sunday a group of us went on a trip to Ninepin Islands. We found a local guide to take us. We made up almost the entire tour group but a Thai couple joined us as well. It was a hot day!

The boat ride to and from the island was intense. Lots of waves and large boats and we just tossed around quite a bit. I got quite soaked on the return trip as well.

I can't write much because the pictures speak for themselves about the beauty of these islands and the really neat arches and caves that have formed.


Me with Clare and Lisa.

Murat, Elena, Veronica, Sarah, Mark and Natascha in background.

At the top of South Ninepin was a temple to the Goddess of the Sea. So we said a prayer for a safe journey back to shore!

I didn't take this picture. I was too chicken to go close to the edge!

Such a great day and great trip with friends. Sad that some of these friends will be leaving Hong Kong soon.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

HFE Office Opening Ceremony

So the official office opening ceremony was this morning at 9:15 AM. They had the day and time analyzed to make sure it was the best time. 

It started with a speech by Amit and then a ribbon cutting ceremony.

 And of course there are roasted pigs (siu jue) which will be cut and eaten.

 Cutting the pig is like cutting a wedding cake it's very ceremonial. And the pigs must be cut from head to back. Who doesn't like to eat pork in the morning.

After the pigs were removed we were graced with lion dance (mouh si). Before the dance begins, the head of the office paints on the eyes to the lion. 

There are two people in each lion and it's amazing their dancing and the head/eye movements.


 Large group shot with the lions. I am on the far right side.

After the official ceremony in the lobby. The dragons made their way around the entire new office. 

Part of the tradition is that you hang lettuce and the dragon's reach for it and capture the luck for you. It is the traditional custom of "cai qing", literally meaning "plucking the greens", whereby the lion plucks the green vegetables either hung on a pole or placed on a table in front of the premises. The "greens" (qing) is tied together with a "red envelope" containing money and may also include auspicious fruit like oranges. In Chinese cǎi (pluck) also sounds like cài (meaning vegetable) and cái (meaning fortune). The "lion" will dance and approach the "green" and "red envelope" like a curious cat, to "eat the green" and "spit" it out but keep the "red envelope" which is the reward for the lion troupe. The lion dance is believed to bring good luck and fortune to the business

So the lions came to my office to wish me good fortune in the new office.