Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Friday, July 3, 2015

My Travel Checklist - 6 month check in

So I have been in Hong Kong for 6 months now. I have done some traveling around Asia.

Done so far!
  • Thailand (Phuket - Karon Beach)
  • Indonesia (Jakarta) - work
  • Seoul, South Korea


Still to do...
  • India - for work at end of July 
  • Singapore
  • Japan (Tokyo, Kyoto, etc)
  • Bali, Indonesia
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Cambodia 
  • Vietnam 
  • Macau
  • Cheng Mai, Thailand - maybe September?


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