Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Rainy Weekend - Cantonese movie

This weekend was rainy. We had rain red warning which means heavy rain and flooding. The system of warnings goes amber, red and black.

Friday I went to the dentist after work (exciting stuff) and then to the spa for a massage (much better than dentist). My friends Amber and Sophie are back in Hong Kong after spending the summer visiting their families (US and Norway). They are both teachers so have summers off. So Clare, Amber, Sophie and I went out for Thai food Friday night.

Saturday was really rainy so Clare, Amber and I had lunch in the mall and then decided to watch a movie. We selected Monster Hunt which we had seen a trailer for. It's a Cantonese movie with English subtitles. It's about the human and monster worlds trying to live together. Was quite an experience and interesting movie. It was hard at time to watch the action and read the words. It also gave me time to practice listening to Cantonese. Here is a movie poster for your enjoyment.

Sunday I went to the gym and then had brunch with friends who had friends visiting from UK. Then relaxing afternoon/evening.

All in all a pretty low-key weekend because of the rain.

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