Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Harbour City - random bits

Harbour City is the mall where my office is. Here are a few pictures in the area.

In between my work tower and the next is a roof top restaurant. Here is the view looking up. 

My office is next to cruise ship dock. From my office I hear the ship's horn when they arrive and depart. Here is picture of ship outside office. 

The Where's Wally Exhibit has been gone for a while but just recently he re-appeared to sing out on the pier.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Bowen Road

I forgot to post this one back in the spring so will update you now. I am spending more time on Bowen Road now that the humidity has dropped. 

I finally got to walk the Bowen Fitness Trail. It's a car-free path that goes about 3 miles through Hong Kong Island. It's a beautiful path and I can see myself visiting it again for a nice walk.

Along the Bowen Trail is Lover's Rock. Not really sure why it's called that but we walked up some stairs to look at the rock.

The view is pretty from the rock area.

I am training for a 10K so it's a great training route. I am trying on weekends to at least get some time outside running. It is great because it is car free and you don't have to worry about crossing streets. It is a bit surreal because it is a strip of walkway and trees but either side are huge buildings. Feel lucky to have this nearby to enjoy the weather outside and get my exercise.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Lamma Island

Friday I joined the Engineering and Technology group on their team outing to Lamma Island. We took a boat to Lamma Island for a delicious seafood lunch at Rainbow Seafood. This was my first trip to Lamma so I was happy to join.

On the way to Lamma we saw a US military boat. Later I learned that this is the USS Germantown.

We landed at Sok Kwu Wan which is on one side of the island. It is a more local area.

Some dishes from lunch.

 Group shot! Of course we have matching team jackets!

  My table. 5 tables in all.

After lunch, some people took the boat back and some decided to hike the island. There is a relatively flat hike from one side of the island to the other side. Yung Shue Wan is the other village and is a more populated village with many Westerners.

View back to Sok Kwu Wan.

Sun setting (to the right is a large ugly power plant)...

  Group who ventured on the hike!

A group decided to hike up the big hill to see the windmill.

 Ladies leaping... who said white girls can't jump!
Halfway through the hike we stopped for bean curd dessert. That is an oxy-moron to mean. Tofu is not dessert no matter how much sauce and sugar you add.

We ended the hike at Yung Shue Wan and had a drink and some appetizers before catching the ferry back to HK Island. No, we didn't get to take the helicopter back...

Overall a great day and I was able to meet many people on the other team.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Women in Toys - Hong Kong

Last night I went to a Women in Toys networking event in Hong Kong. This chapter just started this year which is surprising with all the toy industry events and companies here.

It was great to meet people from all over Asia as well as US visitors in town for toy fair event.

Some of the great ladies I met who all live in Hong Kong and a few are actually my neighbors. 

Looking forward to their next event.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Dude, there's my car

This post is for my brother. You wouldn't believe the extremely nice cars parked all around Hong Kong.

Oh that's where I left my Ferrari.

Oh and my Porche(s)!

Oh. A Jaguar. Grrrrr. 

This one is coming home with me (someday, maybe, maybe not....)


Oh the beauty of a black Lotus. 

Not having a car is making me drool at time over these nice cars. Oh to get behind the wheel and speed off to the next traffic light...

Friday, October 2, 2015


All Hasbro Hong Kong employees got the afternoon off this week to visit Disney. 

The castle! 

My favourite ride as a kid was "it's a small world" so I had to check it out. 

We also rode Space Mountain and Grizzly Gulch coal mine roller coasters which were both fun! 

My brand being represented. 

Mr Potato Head and I. 

Moon over castle 

Main Street USA

Disney HK is much smaller than Florida but still fun. Good day with HASBRO colleagues and their families.