Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Pune, Mumbai, Nasik (India)

Second half of trip is Pune, Mumai and Nasik.

We arrived in Pune Thursday. 

Hard to see but there is man in back of truck counting his money. 

Staying at very nice hotel. Have a suite which is bigger than my Hong Kong apartment. 

View from my room.

The pool where I was able to sit during the morning on Sunday to get work done.

Towel animal on my bed.

Note there is no formal direction for traffic. Just free for all. 

These ladies have talent.

 It's like a zoo just out in public. Horse on the street.

Buffalo wandering outside my car window.

Cows eating out of a dumpster.

 Again, outside the car window.

Street market.

Fruit stands.
These are little huts but notice that they mostly all have satellite dishes.

Car iSpy in Asia is to find most number of people per bike. 4!

Flowers from the vendors. I wanted a picture before we gave them to the hotel staff.

We took a group picture before going our separate ways. 

Off to Mumbai Sunday evening. I spent one night in Mumbai and drove 3 hours to Nashik on Monday. Then drove 3 hours back to Mumbai and flew back to Hong Kong at 1:20 AM Tuesday morning. 

Nashik was totally different landscape and reminded me of Arizona. 

And of course there were cows! 

It was a fascinating week in India and I learned a lot. I was quite glad to get back to Hong Kong. 

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