Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Hong Kong New Habits

After living in a new country with a new culture and methods, you develop new habits and terminology.

1. One must push buttons to exit doors. Doors that need a code or badge to enter then must have a button pushed to exit. This happens both at home and work. Don't ask how many times I have run into the door forgetting to push the button...

2. I have am learning to decipher the British influence on the language:
  • I use the lift to get to another floor in a building.
  • I bring a jumper with me when it's cold inside. It's not often cold outside.
  • I use the loo or washroom. Not many baths in this region.
  • I wait in a queue (not a line).
3. To that point, I actually wait in line (queue) to get on escalators. There are so many people here.

4.  I do push my way through crowds. I know I am supposed to keep my hands to myself, Mom, but if I didn't push I would never got on and off the train.

5. Almost at all times in my purse is an umbrella, a fan, and at least re-usable shopping bag.

6. Heels and dress shoes in addition to suit jackets are left at work. I commute in flat shoes and change at work. Suit jackets are not needed outside of the office so they just live here. I wonder if I should have a small closet installed in my office....

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