Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Monday, July 11, 2016

US Visit June 2016 - New England

I took my summer holiday in June to visit the US. I was in the US for 3 weeks, spending 1 week working in Hasbro office and the other time enjoying time off or traveling between places.

Second stop: New England.

Sunday I flew from LA to Boston. I stayed at my parents house and unfortunately missed father's day by 5 minutes, arriving at 12:05 am.

I worked the first week and stayed at my aunt and uncle's house. One night my cousins and their kids came to visit. I had a full evening full of cuddles.

Thursday I had dinner with Ashley and Danielle. We were missing Ceileidh and Jen.

Saturday Justin and I went to a car show.

Justin's Camaro.

Sunday I had brunch with my HK family members who have moved back to the US. Including the newest addition to the family.


Tuesday I went to visit Grandma again (no pictures allowed). After our visit, I went to Kacey's softball game.

Wednesday, Justin and I hiked Purgatory Chasm in Sutton. 

Wednesday night, Justin and I took our parents to a Chinese dim sum dinner. Dumplings, dumplings, dumplings. We bribed my dad by promising him ice cream after.

Thursday night, Mom, Dad and I played mini golf.  And then we met my cousins from the other side for ice cream at our favorite Rota Springs. Yes, there is a theme of ice cream.

Friday night I had dinner with my friends Jaime, Rachel and Erin. We forgot to take a picture (again)!

Saturday I went to visit Jen who had a baby 4 days before and had just gotten home. She lives near Chick Fil A so I had to stop! Yum!

This is Jen's newest addition. She slept almost my entire visit. What a gorgeous little bundle of joy!

Sunday we had family lunch and then went to visit grandma. We picked up ice cream for her (which she loved).

Monday, I was on a plane back to Hong Kong... what a great visit home!

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