Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Ghost Month - Beware!

It's getting spooky round here.... So Halloween lasts but a single night, but in parts of Asia, including here in Hong Kong, ghosts are said to roam the earth for the entire seventh month of the lunar calendar. And guess what, that is now!

Accounts vary but it’s generally believed that during the ghost month, the gates of hell open and restless spirits emerge to haunt the living. During this time, the gates of heaven are also said to be unbolted, allowing benign spirits to visit their families for feasting and entertainment.

It is said that the eerie activity peaks the 15th day of the lunar month, known as Yu Lan, or Festival of the Hungry Ghost. Which happens to be tomorrow August 17th. After two weeks of wandering the earth, the spooks are weary and ravenous, so it’s especially important on this day to keep them appeased.
The first sign of ghost month in Hong Kong is the smell of burning paper, usually in tin cans, often alongside incense sticks, candles and offerings of food on the pavement or in common areas of residential buildings. Hell banknotes and paper goods – ranging from cars and mobile phones to clothing and houses – are burned as offerings for ancestors and restless wanderers to use in the afterlife. Foods including fruit, meat and pastries represent a feast for ancestors, and ensure other spirits don’t get hungry or angry. Candles and lanterns help them find their way back where they came from.

Many activities are said to bring misfortune during this time, especially after dark. These include:
  • Disturbing offerings left out for the spirits – don’t sweep them up.
  • Leaving clothes outside to dry. A ghost might try them on and leave behind its negative energy.
  • Avoid swimming. The ghost of a drowned person might pull you under the water.
  • Don’t urinate on a tree, as it will offend the spirit living inside. Also, remember to stay away from the woods at night.
  • Don’t take photos at night in case you capture a spirit.
  • Don’t leave external doors open at night. It is an invitation for ghosts to enter.
  • Don’t get married – it won’t be a happy ending.
  • Don’t talk about ghosts during their special month because it may cause offence.

So it's like Fight Club... don't talk about it. So hopefully this post won't offend the spirits. 

And don't pee on a tree... cause I do that often...

My tutor also told me that spirits walk along walls so you should not walk close to walls and buildings but rather walk in the middle of hallways and sidewalks. She said she's been in 2 car accidents on the ghost festival in the past so she always goes home early and stay home now so that bad things don't happen.

Okay, so how do I stay lucky during the ghost month:
  • Most importantly, keep them well fed with offerings outside the home.
  • Keep the lights burning bright at home, and on balconies or other outside areas. Ghosts lurk in the shadows.
  • Sprinkle rock salt on the floor outside your front door. Spirits are said to be afraid of it.
  • Visit temples or churches to pray for the deceased.

Wish me luck!

Update with pictures from my walk home. 

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