Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Cantonese Language Fun!

I am learning elementary Cantonese language (speaking, not writing)... I have mow completed 50 hours of lessons. WOW. I am now signed up for another 50 hours!

Some of the words are quite funny when you know how they actually translate. A few of my favorite:

Sing daan louh yahn = Santa Claus
  • this actually translates to "Christmas old man"

Fo gai = turkey
  • this actually translates to "fire chicken"
Siu pahng yauh = child

  • this actually translates to "little friend"

Sai sau gaan = bathroom
  • this actually translates to "wash hand room" 

Daaih Luhk = Mainland China
  • this actually translates to "big land"

Fooh sau dihn tai = escalator
  • this actually translates to "hand held elevator"

Gon sihgaan = in a hurry
  • this actually translates to "chase time"

Learning the language has been a great experience and fun to learn. Especially with some of these fun terms!

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