Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Sunday Funday - hiking and bolognese

Last Sunday we (Andy, Donna and I) hiked about 8 + miles over 20K steps (thanks, Fitbit for the info!). We hiked part of the morning trail to the Hong Kong trail and family walk.

Andy works at Hasbro with me and he and Donna live just down the street from me. 

We then hiked the very many steps up to Pinewood Battery. It is a historic site that was constructed starting in 1901 and finished in 1905. During the Battle of Hong Kong, the Battery came under repeated air raids. On December 15, 1941, the Japanese 23rd Army Air Group carried out extensive attacks on Hong Kong Island. Pinewood Battery, manned by the 17th AA Battery 5th Anti-Air Regiment Royal Artillery, was severely damaged.. The raid caused one death and one injury. One of the antiaircraft guns and certain other facilities were destroyed. The commander of the defending troops decided to abandon the battery, and all men were ordered to retreat on that day (thanks, Wikipedia).

After our hike we deserved some good food. Donna and Andy invited me to their place for homemade bolognese.

I did not finish the whole plate... yay for leftovers!

The most exciting part was I got to try my first mango steen. I saw these on their kitchen counter and asked what they were. So we had them for dessert.

You use your hands to slightly crush the outer part to get a crack so that you can open it up. The inside is bright pink and very bitter so you don't want to eat any of that. But at the center is a bright white delicious fruit. It looks a bit like a lychee but tastes more like mango.

Here is a stock photo of what they look like inside. Ours are messier than that so I couldn't take picture and eat.

Overall,  great Sunday with exercise (outside for some fresh air), good food and good friends.


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