Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Monday, January 26, 2015

A week of firsts!

So this past week I conducted my first interview to hire an employee in Hong Kong office.

I traveled to Shenzhen, China to meet the members of my team that work there. I also took them to lunch! Or they took me to Chinese lunch and I paid. 

Here is the outside of the Hasbro Shenzhen office. No pictures allowed inside. 

And here is display outside the office of the PreSchool products! 

I crossed the China border for the first time using my Hong Kong ID and finger print. So easy!! 

I am starting to learn my first Cantonese words. Of course, I need to make sure I trust the people teaching me!

We also had celebratory pig at the welcome lunch for Irene and me. First time having this dish and it was delicious! 

And I used a front load washing machine for the first time. It's the little things that sometimes trip me up. 

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