Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Weekend Activites

So this weekend I spent most of Saturday on apartment stuff (repairmen, shopping, cleaning, etc). Friday night I went to an event at W hotel and met some very nice people. Here is a picture of Amber, Claire and I. Amber is teacher at an English school from Colorado and Claire is working in property management and is from London. 

Saturday, the Hasbro expat group took me out to dinner and drinks. Great time chatting and enjoying time with my "Hong Kong family."

Sunday I did a hike up to Victoria Peak with Claire. It's a 20 minute hike, straight uphill, to the Peak. And then we did the Peak trail around the perimeter of the Peak.

Here you can see the Peak building at the top. There are stores and restaurants in the building.

Here is the view of Central from the top. I think I found my apartment building.

Wonderful waterfall on the Peak Trail.

Around the side of the Peak to the West (I think).

After the Pike Trail, we sat at Pacific Coffee to drink all the calories we burned off and chat.

After the hike down, Claire then took me to the grocery store and pointed out the ingredients she uses to cook so I have a better idea of what to buy and cook. Now I just need pans to cook in!

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