Tuesday we went to a factory about 3.5 hours from Hong Kong. The boss of the factory picked us up in a van and drove us. Very long day. We couldn't take pictures in the factory but in order to visit the controlled facility that makes Playdoh we needed our lab coats and they let us take pictures.
Below is me, Walter (Preschool Engineering Lead) and James (Sub-category Lead for Preschool).
Then we took a picture with those from the factory. L to R: Walter, Daniel (factory boss), me, James, Victor, Feather and Marty.
Thursday I traveled to another vendor which was about a 2 hour ride from Hong Kong. Again was picked up in a car. We went to 2 plants that this one factory owns. I got to see a bunch of my team's items being made. It took about 2.5 hours to get home from the second plant. Sigh. Luckily in the car rides I have been able to close my eyes and get a small nap in.
Friday I took the train to and from China to visit a vendor in Shenzhen. One hour to the border and then 30 minute car ride to the factory. Spent a long time at this factory watching one specific assembly line to learn it's in depth details.
Long week but I learned so much by seeing manufacturing first hand and visiting these vendors. Will definitely help me as we proceed with development that I know more about the details.
The fun part of my week was going out to dinner with all the other category leads. It was the first time we all got together. We went to a great Japanese restaurant near work and had great food, drink and conversation.
Let's see from left to right... Stanley (Disney Boys), me (Preschool), Irene (Disney Girls), Nelson (Play-doh), Edmond (Games), Casey (Boys), Kenny (Girls), Kenneth (Nerf/Sports Action), Thomas (Plush), and Rico (New Initiatives). Cheers!
Going to bed early tonight... I'm exhausted from this week.
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