Some people have asked for information on travel itineraries and recommendations for lodging and attractions. I can only share my experiences and the notes from friends but here are my travel notes from places I have been and hope to visit. I will continue to update!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Chinese New Year Parade - Year of Goat

So on the first night of Chinese New Year there is a large parade on Kowloon side in TST. A group of us ventured over there to fights the crowds (which were not so bad and very orderly). 

Here you can see the crowds. We found a space about 5 rows back and stood on our toes to see for while. But as people got tired and their kids got tired people left and by the end of the parade we were in the second row and had a great view of things.

Annette's parents and Annette, Mark & Sarah, Me and Kalpana.

Of course a parade has floats! Koalas!

And pandas.

And dragons!

And large balloons!

  And then balloon animals made of smaller balloons

Dancing behind the balloon sheep were these adorable little girls with balloon sheep for hats!

My favorite part of the parade had to be the dragons!

Then there were some interesting acts. These "women" in large moving "dresses" and singing "opera".

And then these women were walking on these HUGE stilts and dancing around in the streets like they were floating on air. I couldn't imagine walking and dancing the entire parade route!

What a fun night!

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